Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Banging on Pots and Pans ~ Bringing in the New Year

My 17 year-old helped a lot with this year's cookie tradition.  She also wanted to add a "lemon" cookie to our baking this year.  We searched the internet and found Lemon Ricotta Cookies with Lemon Glaze (Giada, Food Network).

These were delicious.  We will keep this recipe for future holiday baking (and more).  We will however, make them half the size next time.  And of course we used organic lemon juice too.

During summer, I plan to bake these using our homemade ricotta cheese (made from our goat's milk), and organic (or homemade butter).

Tidbits . . . 

It's a whopping 2°F wind chill today.  We got a bit of snow last night too.  Thank goodness my son re-stocked the wood pile.

I went and got myself a head cold, and am sorry I didn't get my elderberry elixir made yet.  I best get on that.  Nobody likes it when Mom is sick around here.  I tend to get grouchy.

I was actually up early this morning, searching pattern sites for a baby blanket for my brother and his wife.  Unfortunately, the best patterns (in my opinion) are in pattern books at the library. They however, are closed.  They actually closed from Dec.23rd, and will not reopen until Jan. 6th.  I guess it was to help with cut backs that they are still dealing with.  Unfortunately for them, my kids (and myself) would have visited often this Christmas school break, and gave them business.

It's hard to believe it's the last day of 2013.  I picked up my new 2014 planner and hope to chill-out later and work on it. More on that later.

Tonight I plan to stay safe, and hang out at home with the kids.  I wonder if they will grab my pots and pans (like I did at their age), and run around the house (outside) and bang on them with wooden spoons, screaming "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"  Of course back then, I lived in the city and it was much more fun to make noise at that time of night, ha ha!  Who knows, if I feel better, I may just join them for ol' time's sake.


  1. I use goat milk ricotta for a LOT of stuff, the cookies look yummy. Even if they are big :)


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