Monday, November 4, 2013


I unplugged for the weekend.  We've undergone some stress here at the farm, and well, I would just not be a pleasant person to be around. We are undecided about how to heat this place.  I will really miss my wood stove.  Although it was work, I will still miss it.  I also feel stripped of my self-sufficiency, which I do enjoy.  It's a freeing feeling to have less bills and debt.  Now, Hubby's  co-workers have convinced him that we need to install a furnace and not replace the wood stove.   I'll update as he figures it out.  My vote is for a new (or used) wood stove.

Hubby installed a hand-crank pencil sharpener to replace our electric one.  He replaced an unsafe electrical outlet in our garage, cleaned up and fired up the pellet burner, and cleaned out a tool drawer.  At least one end of the house is a bit warmer now.

(Front porch view while cleaning it up)

I have to admit, it was nice to get off the computer. I dove into my mess of craft projects, and finished several of them.  I deep cleaned until I sneezed. I organized and reorganized.  I filled a trash bag with recyclable paper, gave some older writer magazines away to my 19 year-old, and filled a box of items to donate to Goodwill.  However, that doesn't mean my kitchen is clean.

I tackled more pears, made Pear Berry Gingerbread (recipe coming soon) topped with pear liqueur infused frosting.  I really need to get some more jam canned too.

I got this necklace and earring set finished (sterling silver chain and sterling silver earring hooks).  I made 3 pairs of peace sign earrings as well.

I made these adorable fishing bobber keychains (featured over at S.C.R.A.P.) and one set of earrings (ha ha! for the fishing enthusiasts).  I think these will sell at next year's Farmer's Market too.

(also featured over at my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot)

I also sliced up a few more wine corks and made these fun wine cork necklace charms.  How cool is that?  Again, another project completed.

I even dug out my wine cork garland and got it posted (finally after several years) on S.C.R.A.P. and put it out for the holidays.

I made two more necklaces for using recycled music paper.  

With the help of my family, we finally popped the camper up, filled it back up with linens, and put it to bed for the winter.  

I need to get back on writing this week. National Novel Writing Month started November 1st. Yikes! I'm a few days behind....gotta get that novel written.  


  1. I think I'd be doing a bit of creative debating (i.e. arguing) with my husband if he wanted us to use a furnace instead of a wood stove. Good luck with your decision; whatever it may be :)

  2. I wish we had a wood stove , the inl-aws do and I love it. I imagine the convience of our heating system is nice too but when the storm knock out the power ...we freeze ! Can't you have both ?

  3. It's good to unplug once in awhile! Looks like you got a LOT of things done too! We recently changed out our battery-powered pencil sharpener for a hand crank. My hubby was surprised they still made them. I hope ya'll get the heating situation figured out. A furnace is nice but I can totally relate to your reasons for wanting a wood stove. :)

  4. Well, as all we married folks know, it's important for the two people who make up a couple to feel good about any decisions made. Your hubby's co-workers may not be concerned with self-sufficiency in the same way you are. Heating with wood does make a lot more work but also offers real security come what may. Hope the two of you can work it all out.

    Golly-gosh, you got a lot accomplished over the weekend! You have to feel good about that.

  5. You've been busy...I need to "unplug" as I spend way too much time on this pc especially lately with the new one. The bread sounds yummy and your jewelry making is truly professional. I love the sliced cork charm! You're amazing and I hope it all works out with the heating as I have a feeling that winter will be arriving early this year. Stay warm and healthy!

  6. My goodness... you have been busy.
    Sorry to hear that is unrest in the 'wood stove' camp. Hope you get something settled and you're feeling more security from the decision.
    We have a wood stove as you know...and well, we love it. I do know what you mean about feeling secure.
    Love all the crafts...and it sounds like the cleaning and organizing bug has bitten you hard! I should unplug and see what I get accomplished!
    take care.

  7. I am with you on the wood stove. Perhaps the two of you need some of that pear bread and and cup of coffee to discuss this quandry over.

  8. Getting unplugged turned out to be a bonanza for your projects! Aside from the upcoming decision about how to heat the home, it sounds like you were able to accomplish quite a lot in 72 hours that needed to be done. With the approaching holiday season, it always feels good to get your spaces cleaned up and organized. I feel better able to tackle holiday baking and preparations if things are not piled up all around me.

    As to the wood stove, perhaps it will emerge as the most cost effective option after a review of the costs for a furnace installation. If you have to invest the dollars anyway, it seems like one of the newer Vermont WoodStoves would be a viable option. They burn cleaner and more efficiently now and come in several sizes etc. While hubby is doing furnace research, you can do new wood stove options and then sit together with a price comparison and review. One thing for sure is that if the electricity goes out, you heat does too. Where you live, the weather can get pretty fierce for months on end. A wood stove would avoid that issue which could be very critical if a storm hit and you lost power for a span of 4-5 days in 20 degree weather. Good luck and keep us posted. That pear gingerbread looks fabulous!!


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