Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Pro's . . .

The pro's of not having a working clothes dryer?  Getting to watch the sunrise every time I do laundry. The con's?

The wind chill was 7°F when I was putting my laundry out yesterday.  Today it's not so bad - 25°F wind chill.  Everything dried yesterday too, but it was out before the sun was up.  If I put it out any later, it's somewhat damp when I bring it in.  

I dry some of my laundry inside as well (a small indoor clothesline, and 3 drying racks).  However, with bedding for 5 beds, I do have to use my lines outside too some days.

Part of my new cleaning routine, is to do as much as possible on Monday's.  I can then start my week out with a fresh house.   Then I don't feel so frenzied throughout the week, when I have to split wood, bring in wood, and other winter work.  I'm going to take one day completely off too.  I seem to work so much over the weekends, I owe it to myself.  It may have to vary from week to week, but I am determined.

Today I am thankful for:

~ a gym so close to home, and open early enough to use before Hubby goes to work (and inexpensive to join)

~ the abundance of eggs our chickens are giving us

~ God's Grace

~ organic, natural teas

~ my clothesline and clothespins

~ books

~ surprise mail

~ the library

~ one of my kiddo's still kissing me before they go to school

~ warm slippers


  1. Beautiful.
    Until last year I always hung out on the line by nescessity, then we did get a dryer.
    I do miss "having to" sometime.
    The morning hang out were a good time of reflection.
    The pros were many ` the fresh smell, the morning reflection, and a lower electric bill.
    The only con in Winter was they froze .lol

  2. You are one strong (and determined) lady to be hanging laundry out in those temperatures. It's not too difficult to stay warm . . . except for the hands! Clumsy with gloves on, but nearly impossible without.

    Like your "thankful" list. It's often the little things, isn't it?

  3. At least you get to enjoy that beautiful sunrise! Whenever I go outside to hang the laundry or bring it in, I'm joined by the two barn kitties. :)

  4. I like hanging my laundry. I've had laundry drying inside this week with all the rain we've had.
    I like the idea of getting it all done on Monday to start out fresh.
    I like your thankful list... the kisses from your kiddos is so sweet. Cherish those moments.

  5. We use a dryer. We used a line years ago, but were told it's bad for allergies, especially on bed linens. Pollen sticks and you breathe it all night :(

  6. We have a dryer, but due to the lightening/fire, it's not working. We still need to replace it or see if it can be repaired.


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