Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Soup, Pears, and Playtime

The temperature here dropped to the 20's last night, so I made soup to warm us all up.  I admit, I had my doubts that the kids would eat this soup, and I was pretty sure a few would refuse to even taste it.

I've been experimenting this week with sweet potatoes.  They were on sale, so I stocked up on some.  This recipe comes from Allrecipes, and contains sweet potatoes, carrots, an onion and an apple.  It also contains freshly grated ginger and red lentils too.

The original recipe requires you to put this soup in your blender or food processor, and then back into the pot.  As you can see, we did not.

"What are you feeding us now? Baby food?" asked Hubby.

"Ha, ha" I responded with my best sarcastic voice, enunciated the "h".

Any person who is health conscious, will have the ingredients on hand to make this soup. It's even topped with organic plain yogurt.  Which, by the way, topped on this soup tastes just like sour cream.

The results?  Not only did everyone try it, they all ate an entire bowl, and loved it.  There were no leftovers.  

I had to make a healthy dinner, since I made more pear bars earlier in the day.  These are so good.  I'm surprised there are leftovers today.  The crust is made with organic butter, and it's topped with a mixture of homegrown pears, coconut, homemade vanilla, and farm fresh eggs.  Naughty, but good. Yum.

After decluttering the "office" area yesterday, I treated myself to some crafting time.  I'm currently playing around with some poker chips I picked up at a thrift store.  These keychains were inspired by Hubby's love for poker.  You just may see some new Christmas tree ornaments up for sale soon too.  I may even post a "how-to" on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot as well.


  1. Just thinking what to make for dinner tonight and yay I have all the ingredients to make this (minus the lentils that I'm not allowed at the moment).
    The temperatures have dropped here too and it smells like winter!
    Keep Warm!

  2. I love sweet potatoes and they are soooo good for you too! It's actually a bit chilly here today (nothing like you guys though) and you have inspired me to make soup. The poker chip key rings are cute! :)

  3. Yum that looks good, warm and tasty !
    Water buckets are frozen here today cold has set in for sure.

  4. I love All recipes site and that recipe looks great! I love vegetables of all kinds and I could live on soup and bread...oh, and maybe some of those pear bars! Yum!
    I posted a recipe today your family might like. I finally got to the Organic/Health store in Mountain Home and stocked up and I really got a lot for my money..I was surprised.
    I don't even care if it's organic as long as it's non-GMO and natural with no meds fed to the animals and treated humanely. Organic is nice but just using common sense like the way they used to farm back when I was a child is fine with me. That was organic. Love the poker chips keychains! What a great idea! I never puree when they say too...I'm not into drinking my meals...there's plenty of time for that after I lose my teeth! LOL! TTYL!


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