Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homestead Tidbits

Even though it's November, we are still seeing some color in our flower beds.  

"Huh, I haven't heard you say, I'm going out to the garden today, in a long time.  I think I could get used to that," said my 11 year-old early this morning.

Speaking of garden, my fitbit is reading 3,000 less steps per day, now that I'm not outside doing any outdoor work.  However, we haven't figured out our heating situation yet, so  that may change with splitting wood.  I'm going to have to do something to continue to get more exercise.  This may mean heading back to the gym, with a 5am workout.  Hubby needs it anyway.  They are warning employees about weight.  They are at a point now where they will not hire anyone that is over a specific weight, and will start looking for ways to fire employees, that weigh over a specific weight.  More and more employers are taking this route.

I can update that we are looking at installing a wood stove or pellet stove.  The furnace is ruled out.

Sapphire was enjoying the flower beds too.  She, and the other cats are gaining more weight and fur, to combat winter's chill.

I still have pears.  I made more reduced sugar jam. We love this flavor.  They smell so delicious and taste wonderful.  Sorry, too lazy to photograph it.

I also made some (a Martha Stewart recipe)  Pear and Granola muffins.  The muffins were so good.  I used my homemade granola too.  I like the fact the recipe uses plain yogurt as well, so I can utilize many homemade ingredients.  These muffins were a hit with the family.  Yum!  The only negative note to comment on this recipe, is that these muffins stick to paper liners.  Use parchment paper or simply spray your muffin pans.

I then canned spiced pear cardamom butter (found online at Organic Gardening).  I've never canned pear butter, nor tasted any, so this was a treat.  I only got 5 jars, not 7 as the recipe stated, but it is delicious too.  To be honest, we all felt this tasted just like apple butter.  

I'm working on filling our emergency account back up.  I've been sending out queries and blowing the dust off of my writing skills.  I am just hoping I blow enough dust off, to write some killer articles, and bring in some cash.  I've hired my 19 year-old daughter as my editor.  She does an excellent job at it.

Hubby is taking some jam and jelly to work to sell for me too.  I have jars leftover from this year's Farmer's Market, so that should hopefully bring in some cash too.

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are still so pretty! We have been trying to walk every morning, it's good for us AND the dogs. The big difference I note between apple butter and pear butter is the slight graininess of the pear butter. Good luck with the writing! :)


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