Sunday, October 27, 2013

Homemade Pear Liqueur

When I had a difficult time locating pear liqueur in our area, I decided to make it myself.  With all the pears from our trees this year, I was excited to experiment with new recipes.  I'm not even sure what type of pear we have.  These trees were here prior to moving here.

I searched books and the internet and found this one: Pear Liqueur

I filled my quart jar with pears, cardamom and a lemon peel.  I could not find cardamom pods, so I used ground (I know the flavor would be much better with the pods).  I gently shook my jar, and placed it in a dark, cool closet for a week.

My plan is to use it to make a pear liqueur frosting to go over homemade Pear Berry bread.  I will have that recipe to share soon as well, if it indeed rates high with the family.

Other than using the liqueur for baking, you can also simply drink it.  There are many mixer recipes it could be used with, including a pear martini.

Pears have so many possibilities. . . check back to see what we make next with them.


  1. I love making liqueurs but had never thought about using pears, thanks for the link! I still have a few pears in the crisper from our little tree and think this would be an excellent use for them. :)

  2. Darn, I just used up the last of my pears. Let us know how it turns out!


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