Saturday, October 5, 2013

Homemade Mexican Taco Seasoning Mix

I've been busy in my kitchen these past few days.  The rainy days here, have simply motivated me to bake, mix, and shake it up a little. 

I am finally at a point in our self-sufficiency stride, where all of my homemade goods (and home grown) are coming together in all of my recipes.

Homemade Mexican Taco Mix is made using home grown oregano, onions, and garlic.  I can then use the seasoning mix for all sorts of recipes, such as my salsa dip (using home canned salsa too).

The same goes for my homemade vanilla.  It's been wonderful to have on hand, and not pay a fortune for it.  It's been used in all of my baked goods, and homemade ice cream.  It's been useful, and cost effective, for me to have started making it myself.

So far, this recipe has been my most favorite Taco Seasoning Mix to use.  I simply store it in a recycled glass jar.  I created my own label, and it's wonderful for gift giving.   It's not mild, but it's not super hot either.

Mexican Seasoning Mix
 1/4 cup dried onion flakes
4 teaspoons cornstarch (non-gmo brand)
2 Tbsp. salt
3 teaspoons cumin
4 Tbsp. chili powder
1 1/2 teaspoons oregano
3 teaspoons dried minced garlic
3 teaspoons hot crushed red pepper flakes
2 teaspoons beef bouillon

Mix together and store in an airtight container.
2 Tbsp. = 1 commercial package.

Note:  I did not weigh my finished mix, and I doubled the recipe for this particular jar. It's maybe a little less than 2 cups (in the top photo). 

Update 6/24/15:  to make this mix healthier, simply leave out the beef bouillon.  My personal research finds even the "healthy" versions of bouillon to be unhealthy.  You can research for yourself, but just sharing a tip on that part.

I used this mix to make a Black bean/Salsa dip too.  The family devoured it.  The recipe was in the Deceptively Delicious (by Jessica Seinfeld) cookbook as well, and I used pureed carrots in our dip.  I used leftover black beans that I cooked up in my crock pot too.  We doubled this recipe for our family. It's a "keeper" for sure.

Salsa Dip
1 cup refried black or kidney beans (see note)
1 cup bottled salsa
4 ounces reduced-fat cream chese, softened
1/4 cup red pepper or carrot puree
1 tablespoon taco seasoning (without MSG)

In a medium bowl, combine the ingredients (I creamed the beans with cheese first, then added rest).  Serve warm with veggies or tortilla chips.

Note:  The recipe is posted as it appears in the book, but we did not use canned beans.  I cooked my black beans in a crock pot with onions and a tiny bit of salt, then mashed them for burritos.  We simply used the leftover beans and it tasted wonderful.  We (ha ha!) used baby food carrot puree too, but this give me more reasons to stock up my garden veggies in a puree form as well as other ways.


  1. Hi Katrina! I just "caught up" with all your blog postings and you have been busy! So glad you and your husband were able to get away to such a beautiful and peaceful place. You new dog is so sweet! How wonderful that you were able to be his "savior". He's a cutie pie!
    Thank you for the recipe for the salsa and the seasoning. I've started an entry on my pc called "pantry" now where I collect those recipes for staples that I can make myself.
    I love your granny square scarves! Those are darling and what a great way to use up yarn scraps too. I had written down your Woman Homesteader book and now I'll write down the one on Mollie. I love those types of books. Please don't stop blogging as you are my role model and your writing is like reading a good book!
    I also love your "possibilities" journal. I did that once and I need to do it again as it works! I think the premise is that when you look at it often enough it gets imprinted onto your subconscious and without realizing it you are working towards those goals. I love yours! Good for you!
    Well, I had better get to it as this is a very busy time of year for me. Today is mowing and making a dinner and I need to get dogs to vet for annual shots and I need to make doctor appointments for me so they'll refill my prescriptions. I only go every 6 months and I try to go when the weather is reliable as it's an all day affair and a 1 1/2 hour drive of curves and hills! LOL!
    Take care and I will try to be better at visiting daily as I miss you when I don't!

  2. I agree with Sam I Am -

    Please don't ever stop blogging. I've learned a great deal from your blogs, and would love to keep on getting them.

    God bless.


  3. Thank you so much for the Salsa recipe. I am always running out of the store bought, and this will be perfect for me to have on hand. I also have all the ingredients to make it, and a cute jar and lid, I saved from a jar of sauce. Bonnie in Hot Wisconsin


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