Monday, October 7, 2013

Family Fun Weekend

Hubby had the entire weekend off.  Yay!  However, the rain kept us from going camping.  Our 11 year-old was very energetic, and in between bouts of rain, had fun with backyard archery. She worked her dad hard with a game of basketball too.  Sunday we took the family bowling.  We were geared up for some old fashioned family fun.

We also completed a few repairs.  I got some bookcases dusted and selected some books for donating to an upcoming book sale (3 bags of books).  

I finished 2 more crocheted scarves, and started another.  I also got started on reading a book I've had for a few years - The Menace Within, by Ursula Curtiss.  I bought it at a used book sale and forgot about it.

I tried a new honey pumpkin cookie recipe (from Honey: more than 75 delicious and healthy recipes, by Avner Laskin), but they got the "boot."  Blech.  Although they looked good, the texture was undesirable, and  the had no flavor.  They also took a lot of work to make (mix, chill, roll, etc.).  I'm baking my trusted pumpkin bread recipe today.

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