Friday, October 18, 2013

Camper's Mug Cozy

Remember when I was telling you all about how I stopped to crochet, right in the middle of cleaning up my messes?  Well this is the result.  One completed "project" anyway.  

I ended up not using a pattern (not all mugs are the same size as all the printed patterns are for), and made my own for these camping mugs.  I did not want to mess with sewing buttons on, so I simply single crocheted 12, double crocheted into the 3rd chain, counting that as the first chain in each row, and dc across.  I measured about 10 inches, before finishing off, then simply sewed ends together (just enough to secure a hole for the handle of the mug).  

These slide right on to our camping mugs, and now everyone has their own color, so we can keep the mugs straight, and not have to wash so many when camping. 

Now I must get back to work.   Yesterday, I stayed on target, and made a 5 gallon bucket of laundry detergent, put laundry on the clothesline, made a double batch of homemade ginger ale, boiled eggs for snacking, and made out a grocery list for the weekend. 

Today, I have to get two crock pots going, and bake some buttermilk cornbread.  Yesterday was a terrible laundry day for drying outside.  Today, the weather is much better.  Other than cooking/baking and some cleaning up, I don't have any pertinent work (on the list) today. I just have to hope and pray that I don't run across a project that causes me to stray off course.  

It's Friday, and the chimney folks never called me once yet.  I have a feeling that they will call today, since the weather is better to get up on the roof.  If not, I will have to pay dearly, to call a third chimney sweep (for the inspection), and even then I'm not sure they will travel this far.  

And you know it's getting colder, when you wake up to find a cat buried under your blankets, all nice and warm, and cozied up.


  1. Love your mug cozies, and great idea to keep track of who's is who's!.. Had to laugh and straying off course. I do that ALL THE TIME! (0; But I'd like to get a little baking done this weekend too, and I have some major room-rearranging going on right now; so this weekend will absolutely FLY by in a blur, I'm sure, but the accomplishment will feel good, I hope!.. Have a great weekend! ~tina

  2. What a clever idea those mug holders are. Wish I had a creative mind like you do!

  3. This is so cute. What a great idea !

  4. What a great idea, and so simple too! Not only keeps liquids warm longer, but is washable and protects your furniture, and if done in different colors, would be easy to keep track of which drink belongs to whom too.

    God bless.



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