Thursday, September 5, 2013

More Spiced Pickled Beets ~ Candy Apple Jelly

Despite waking up aching, worn out,  the starting-to-feel-sick overall heaviness, I decided not to sleep in.  Maybe I should have, but I saw another beautiful start to a beautiful sunrise this morning.

Sunshine is always good for the soul.  Right?  Maybe it can zap some energy into me today.

I've been catching up on things around here, since our 3 night camping trip - laundry, housework, fun mail, bills, floors, bathrooms, etc.  Then Hubby springs one on me....

One of Hubby's co-workers found fall beets, and picked us up 15 pounds.  Or so he thought.  After I weighed out the 6 pounds I needed for canning 7 pints, I was left with about 3 pounds.  Hm?  Either way, I am very thankful he brought them home, and we now have more put up for winter/spring.

I also canned one batch of Candy Apple Jelly.  We have one last Farmer's Market this month (that we signed up for), and I will be taking some along.  I use organic apple juice for these.  At Christmas, I make the same jelly, but with Apple Cider.  Yum!  I simply change the name of it to "Cinnamon Cider Jelly." 

Candy Apple Jelly
 (From Country Woman Christmas Annual 1998, p45)

4 cups apple juice (organic is best)
1/2 cup red-hot candies
1 pkg. powdered fruit pectic (1-3/4 oz)
4 1/2 cups sugar

In a large saucepan, combine the apple juice, candies and pectin. Bring to a full rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Stir in sugar; return to a full rolling boil. Boil for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. 

Remove from the heat; skim off any foam and discard any undissolved candies.  Carefully ladle hot mixture into hot sterilized half-pint jars, leaving 1/4-in. headspace.  Remove air bubles, wipe rims, and adjust lids.  Process for 5 minutes (adjust time for your altitude) in boiling-water canner.  Yeild:  about 6-7 half-pints.

                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Days here are very busy, and very short.  With all the kids in school, and working now, I do what I can, to help Hubby with all the yard work too.  Some days, I am lucky to sneak out to the mailbox.  Some days I actually remember to check the mailbox.

Now, if we can just find an abundance of roma tomatoes (organic, chemical free), get some sauces canned, I'll feel a bit more assured we are set for winter.  A little salsa wouldn't hurt either.


  1. I can't wait to settle up North as I'm not doing my usual "putting up" and also not saving things or making things ahead in the freezer. It's a different mindset when you know you're not staying. I love being settled in though and can't wait for that "home sweet home" feeling like I've landed...when I finally do!
    Beets are one of my favorites! Hope you feel some energy coming on. If you're like me, you need all you can muster! LOL!

  2. I hope your energy perked up with the sunshine! You still got a LOT done! I'm feeling a little washed out myself today and actually laid down for a short nap...

  3. Do you process things you pickle? I got myself in a right 'pickle' making dilly beans last night. I don't have a pressure canner so I just tried doing a hot water bath in a deep pan, making sure that the vinegar didn't touch the metal lids. But when it came to taking the jars out I burnt my finger and dropped the jars and the liquid went upside down. I had another two jars waiting to be processed but I just put them in the fridge. Opinion seems divided about wether or not processing is needed when using vinegar. Would love your advice on this.
    Hope the sun is sharing it's energy with you.

  4. Emma,
    I water-bath process pickles and beets, but for green beans I need a pressure canner (which I don't have yet and is on my wish list). The beets do have cider vinegar, and the recipe requires a 30 minute process time, then 5 with them left in the canning pot to sit before I remove them with my tool. I've never had any problems with either my pickles or beets.

  5. I have always wanted to try this kind of jelly!!.. It would be nice to give away at Christmas time, so I'm going to keep an eye open for the candy. (I think Walmart sells it.) Thanks for sharing your recipe and how-to!.. And have a great weekend! ~tina

  6. That jelly sounds WONDERFUL! I wonder if it work well with Splenda since I and 2 of our sisters are diabetic.

    God bless.


  7. Charming table cloth under that cup of coffee . . .


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