Monday, August 5, 2013

Reading, Recipes and Stocking Up

While the internet and cable was out, we did a lot of reading around here. We've been visiting the library much more often this season.  I was able to can a few things too.

One of the books I read, was A Killer Maize, A Farmer's Market Mystery, by Paige Shelton.  It was pretty good too.  In the very end of the book, the author shares recipes.  I have never made strawberry syrup, so I saved up 2 lbs. of my Ever-bearing strawberries and made some.  Although the recipe states you end up with 7 - 1/2 pints, I had 5.  Not sure why, other than the strawberries I used maybe.  Next time, I will use more if I have them.  This giveaway is closed now.  Winner is posted.

We tried our strawberry syrup on ice cream the other night, and oh my gosh!  It is delicious!

I am also thankful for enough cucumbers in my garden, to can one batch of Bread and Butter pickles.   I was afraid we would not see anymore this season.

So, in my excitement of getting something stocked up, I am giving away this book.  Simply post a comment about something you are thankful for.  Anonymous comments will not be accepted, and you must be follower of my blog.  Unfortunately (so sorry to all of my out-of-the U.S. blogging friends), I cannot ship out of the U.S. for this giveaway.  Money is tight due to the recent events around here. I hope you all understand.

The winner will be drawn on August 15th, and you will have one week to claim it.  It also comes with a locally made milk chocolate bar.


  1. I'm thankful (knock on wood) that so far we haven't been hit by the hail that has been moving through our area.

    Love your blog Kristina.

  2. I am thankful for my family and Mary Jane, as with out her I would not have the very special farmgirl sisters and friends that I have. I am truly Blessed.
    Thank you Kristina for the great book give away.
    Have a beautiful week.
    Blessed in Colorado

  3. I am thankful for finally being able to retire after 34 years of nursing! Now, I hope to have the time to do much more homestead living even though I live in the city. YOur blog always has so many unique and different canning and recipe ideas that you find in all of the books you read. Very fun! I will be out of the country from August 18 - September 3 so if I was the lucky winner, I would be claiming my win on September 4. Mystery books have been a favorite of mine since childhood@!

  4. I am thankful for the ability to get up each morning and have work to do. I am thankful for the many wonderful women I have met on MJ's forum and all I have and am learning there.

    This is an awesome book giveaway Kristina.


  5. I am thankful for the rain we received today. Things were getting a little dry around here. It was the perfect amount. And of course thankful for the beautiful sunset that followed.

  6. There's so much I'm grateful for where do I begin? Today, I'm grateful for the homemade floor cleaner recipe I found and that my floors are now washed with fresh, clean throw rugs on them.
    I'm not canning this year but next year if I'm back North by then...I hope to be! You're my inspiration! That book looks really good! Thanks for the drawing!

  7. I am thankful for so many things. My daughter's and wonderful grandbabies....the ability to realize it is better to slow down....and my chickens. Also thankful for a man who allows me chickens and now possibly dairy goats and unlimited access to aforementioned grandbabies lol.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.