Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Puttin' Up Jams and Jellies

I recently made a jam with cantaloupe fruit and vanilla bean.  This jam has such an interesting combination of flavors, I had to try it.  If I were to make this again, I would can it in 4 oz. jars, and give as gifts, or sell for $4.00 for the small jar.  In the end, I did not get 3 - 1/2 pints, but 2 1/2.  I followed the recipe exactly, but if you are interested, there is one on-line  -
Cooking Channel, Cantaloupe Jam with Vanilla.  I found my recipe in a Better Homes and Gardens Specialty (Canning) magazine.  I felt this one was too much work for the little amount it makes.  It is a nice way to use a few leftover vanilla beans if you make your own vanilla extract.

I also made a jelly with balsamic vinegar and Ruby Port wine.  The combination of the two piqued my interest. Although the magazine failed to explain what to use it on, it can be used (and gifted, hint, hint Christmas is coming), for hams, roasts, and poultry.  It would go nice with cheese and crackers too I think.  Again, I think if gifting, I would make this is the 4 oz. jars depending on the family size they were gifted to. 

We did taste this one on crackers with cream cheese, and it is a very fruity and sweet topping.  I have yet to try it on meat. It kind of tasted like a super sweet grape with a hint of vinegar.  Does that make sense?

Today, I get the pleasure of tackling 20 pound of blueberries. 


  1. I like the sound of the balsamic vinegar and ruby port wine. I think with cheese and crackers it would be good. We went blueberry picking yesterday so I have been making pies and jams to add to the growing collection - red & black current and apricot & vanilla - so far. I was thinking of maybe trying jamming with water melon, have your tried before?
    I have lots of mint this year, do you have any mint jelly recipes you want to share?

  2. Emma,
    I have not canned any jelly or jam with mint. That does sound good too.


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