Monday, August 19, 2013

First Camping Trip 2013 ~ Enjoying Our Pop-Up Camper

We took our first camping trip last weekend.  This was a  good ol' fashioned, cook over the fire, no electronics, hike, bike, swim, and fish, camping trip. 

Before we left, as we were packing up, the dogs got into the truck.  They wanted to go for a ride.  We felt so bad, but they would not have had a good time.  The entire 200-some campsites were booked, and there were so many people.

We still have to tweek out all the repairs on the camper, but it has been so nice to unload the "camping tote" and put items inside it.  In fact, my very huge "camping tote" is completely empty now, and we still have room in the camper for chairs, and blankets.

We camped at a larger state park this time, the kind where you ride you bikes to use the toilets.  Good thing the camper has one.

I even have a container in the camper for non-electronic fun - crosswords, pencils, books etc.   The vintage tablecloths I have been buying now have a home in our very own camper.

This $2.00 thrift store find thermos, came in handy too.  We filled it with homemade iced tea and devoured it on day one.

The bigger advantage of this campground is the beach.  I love to be on or near the water.  We couldn't swim in this particular area (algae warnings). . .

Can you see how green the water is?  Yuck.  It's so sad to see our lake like this.  However, there was an inland lake next door to the shore, and the kids got to go swimming in there.  

My son drove up yesterday with his 16 year-old sister.  They had fun fishing.  If fact, it was fisher-farmgirl, who was the only one who caught any fish at all. She was fly fishing and caught 2 bluegill and a small bass.  The rest of us just caught sunburn. Ha ha!

The bummer part, was my son's car broke down as we were approaching the beach to go kayaking.  We jumped out, pushed his car so he could park it, and never did get to kayak.  In fact, Hubby is up at the campground today, trailering old "Eunice" back home.  That's what we had named her for years.  However, it may be time to retire "Eunice" to the demolition derby next year.

We had a wonderful time.  Saw a beautiful sunset, and relaxed. Sort of.  We were on the go all the time with our bikes.  I don't think I've ever biked this much in 2 days.  But we will sleep good tonight.

We are already making plans for trip #2, and a list of other items to add to the camper.  I took my hand crocheted washcloths this trip, and will take some kitchen items next time (like a dish scrubbie).

While Hubby was driving our son back home, I got a small break in the evening to do some embroidery.

We enjoyed good food, good fun, and spending time with nature.  
My 16 year-old and I did more extensive bike riding, and stopped to walk this boardwalk.  I jokingly told her, "we better see something interesting," as I was pretty tired at that point.

We did see something pretty awesome.  We saw a momma deer with her two babies.  It was an "ahhh" moment.  She stood about 25 feet from us and just let us watch.

I have to share one last bit, if you are still with me at this point.  Last night we accidentally left a box of crackers on the table next to our camper.   During the night we (most of us) were startled awake by three quick jolts on the camper door.  I sat up immediately and looked that way, and was confused.  It sounded as if Hubby had got locked out (but was still in bed) and could not get in.  But, right after that, Hubby got up and went out.

He was greeted by a raccoon, sitting on the table, snacking away.  It was that little stinker who was rattling the door and trying to get inside.  Good thing we locked our door, or we would have had an uninvited guest inside.  We laughed about it, but we'll never leave food outside again, and we'll make sure the coolers are weighted down.  


  1. What a lovely spot to go camping! I had raccoons raid the coolers once while camping, the noise scared me until I figured out what was going on. :)

  2. So glad the first camping trip was a success! Why do those state parks have the bathrooms so darn far away? Love the vintage table cloths.

  3. I always love to go camping by water. We used to take our girls to the high lakes area outside Bend, Oregon. Gorgeous alpine lakes and not over run by huge rvs. We always tent camp. I'd love a pop-up but not in the budget and no where to store one. Maybe when I retire! Ha ha!

  4. Glad the raccoon didn't get in! :)

  5. What a neat trip you had and I love the photo's, It was pretty there and I loved the baby fawns, I am glad you got to go camping with your family.
    It was really nice.

  6. I loved reading about your trip. Sounds so blissful. Hope you can go again before winter sets in.

  7. Your camping trip sounds like such fun.
    I've got camping envy!
    I would love to go camping...ah! maybe someday.
    The cracker/raccoon incident sounds scary...glad it wasn't a bear. He might not have been satisfied with a few measly crackers.
    ...y'all take care out there and can't wait to read another camping adventure.
    ...Oh, and your vintage pretties all look wonderful.


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