Friday, August 30, 2013

Dehydrating Garlic ~ Making Garlic Powder

Dehydrating garlic was next on my list of "to-do's," and to make garlic powder from my home grown garlic.  Some of my followers have probably already made homemade garlic powder, so forgive me if it's a boring post.  This is a first time for me.

We were gifted garlic two years ago, and planted all of them in the garden in the fall.  I dug them up the next season, and repeated that for one more year, expanding our harvest this year.  

If you have never planted garlic, one clove is all you plant to grow one bulb.  I sliced up 6 bulbs of garlic and dehydrated them in thin slices.  I put the thickest pieces around the edges of my dehydrator trays.

They dried rather quickly, and I used the same method of my onions to grind them up.  Just a word of and your house will smell like garlic. Ha ha ha! 

Some of my cloves had rotted, just like the onions did, but I still have enough to keep our garlic going.  Both will be used often, and I am glad I took the time to make both.

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It's been a while since I have made homemade graham crackers.  I had forgotten how easy it is to make them.  I ended up making two batches of them. Yum!  P.S. These can be made as chocolate grahams too.  The dollar stores here have raised the price of one box up to $1.75.  However, that is still much lower than major brands, which now cost about $3.59/box.  I did notice one store was selling another off brand for $1.99/box. 

Note:  If you use the recipe, and make them chocolate, your dough will be drier than the regular recipe. 

I've been spending a few minutes every day working on Christmas ornaments, and hopefully will have all of my handmade gifts finished early this year. 

It's been hot, and humid here.  Thankfully, the rain barrels are refilled and I could water everything this morning.


  1. Funny I was gifted little garlic balls and I just planted them in Chicago. Will they have long enough to grow by frost here or freeze ...about 10 weeks from now?

  2. Kathy, I plant mine mid-September, and it stays in the ground until next spring/summer (or when the tops start to brown.

  3. I'm revisiting your dehydration posts.
    I guess I didn't leave comments before. But I do remember reading them.
    So glad you posted these.
    I bought a dehydrator today for $5 yard sale-ing...
    I'm thrilled.
    Now if I could just find an online manual. It seems it's NLA by the manufacturer.

    Now to see how your ground them. :)


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