Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Handiwork ~ Good Price for Straw

Although the weather forecast is showing thunderstorms for this coming weekend. I made some fun crafts.  I had a bag of pin backs, so I used scrap fabric and a button to create some fun brooches.  These will be so cute on tote bags or aprons (or anything else for that matter).

I restocked the "do your your dishes in style" scrubbies.

I restocked a few more knitted dishcloths, and crocheted dishcloths.

My 16 year-old daughter mixed up a batch of Tea Tree oil Goat's milk soap.

I have started on crocheting rooster ornaments.

Our straw "guy" called yesterday.  He had it ready in the field, and was offering it up to us for $2.50/bale if we picked it up in the field.  He was actually out working in the extreme heat.  We did go get it.  Now we are stocked up, and at a good price.  We saved $1.00 per bale.  I did have to snicker at Hubby.  He came inside and said, "yea, when I got there, there was a bale over there and over there and over there....."  Did he seriously think they'd be nicely stacked in one place? Ha ha ha!  Anyway, we paid $92.50 for 37 bales, and otherwise would have cost us $129.50.  We saved $37.00.

Mattie, our 14 year-old cat, needs surgery.  She'll be going in on Friday to have the growth removed. This has been a "vet" week for us - meds for Sadie, a visit and surgery for Mattie, and a house call from the farm vet for Orion (buck).  

The guys worked all night on the tile project.  It's moving along slowly, but progress is being made.

I was excited to bring in about 10 oz. of strawberries.  The rain may have killed off 80% of our garden, but it brought forth some strawberries.  I also picked 3 cucumbers.  I am trying to get a book from our library, to make my creamy dip for them.  I can't seem to find my recipe.  I do not have enough cucumbers to make fridge pickles or can pickles (yet).  I may have to buy those this year too.


  1. So, sorry to hear about your garden! I had problems too...I had to dig mine all up as poison ivy came up all over in it and I had to spray. I got it on me last year and had to go to the doc it was so bad. I hate to use chemicals but no one I talked to had any other good suggestions.
    I love all your Farmer's Market items. I went to ours this morning and there's a booth of ladies who crochet but their stuff is dated and bad colors choices in my mind. I think they're the ones that turned people off to crochet for so long! LOL! I love your pins too.
    Too funny about your husband and the straw....he must be a "greenhorn". I had to visit the vet for my cat last week....tape worms....don't ask me how I knew she had them! I thought she was wormed when I got her from the adoption place but shots yes, worming, no. I hope all goes well with your kitty and hopefully your garden will pop back.

  2. Your little crocheted roosters are gonna be cute and I love the fancy dish scrubbies! I hope you guys don't get rained out for the Market. :)

  3. I think that your little pins are darling! You have been so busy. Gardens, sometimes I wonder why I bother to have a garden.

  4. You are one busy lady! That soap must be wonderful.
    Best wishes for Mattie's surgery. Have any of your kids thought of being a vet? might save you a small fortune!

  5. Sorry to hear about Mattie. I wish her well. When is your next market?

  6. Kim,
    Our next market day is this coming Saturday. I sure hope it's cooler and no rain.


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