Thursday, June 6, 2013

Teabag Tidbits

Here is where you join me with a cup of tea, while I share tidbits of yesterday and this morning.

I trimmed off my garlic scapes, and need to cook them up.  I picked more strawberries and my painted rocks are working.  However, I need to make sure one is at every plant.  I have doubled the amount I am picking.  Also, the plants that are directly behind the banging pie pans are completely untouched.

We had another baby raccoon yesterday.  This time it was 5:00pm-ish, and in the driveway.  We did leave a message with Nature's Nursery, but have not heard back yet.

I swore I would not buy petunias in hanging pots, and I did.  I am not spending every morning dead heading them.  I just hope I get to see our yearly hummingbird again.

Yesterday, after dinner, we heard the beautiful song of our yearly Baltimore Oriole.  He presented his song from a tree seen from the kitchen window.  However, I don't have photos.  He flew off as soon as we heard him.  His colors are so rich.

This morning, as I twisted the handle to the south door, a baby squirrel took off.  It had been resting at the base of my door.  He may be why my bird feeder is empty so fast.

I made a vegetable side last night to go with our pasta dish, and it was a winner.  It was simply butter, onion, zucchini, and corn off the cob.  For the recipe visit:  Fresh Corn and Zucchini Saute.

As for that book on "stress" - ha ha ha!  You guessed it. I have not opened it since I read the first chapter, which talks about how the word today is overused.  Back in the day it was "at wit's end" and so forth.  The author instructs the readers to use a highlighter, and have a pad of paper and a pen on hand.

The weather is so nice this morning.  It's dark and cloudy, but with a brisk breeze - excellent for camping.  I may just take my shawl and spend a few quiet moments on the porch (aside from traffic noise), before the kids get up.


  1. Being able to sit early in the morning and just enjoy a cup of tea or coffee before all the rush of the day makes for such a great way to launch. I look forward to when I retire this summer to be able to do this first thing each morning instead of rushing around to work and dealing with traffic!

  2. Kristina, I would love to hear more about what you do with your gsrlic scapes. I make a pesto from mine, using the scapes instead of basil. I then can use it as a side dish in pasta or to flavor other dishes.

  3. Kim, that's exactly what I was going to do with my garlic scapes. I may research for some new recipes too.

  4. The zucchini side dish sounds delicious. I'm hoping friends will be bringing me some this year. I have NOwhere to garden myself, where I live now, so I most appreciate the beautiful-flowering plants I can manage to keep on my window sill, till I find a nicer place to live someday down the road... Well, anyways, when I do manage to get my hands on zucchini, given/purchased, I most always make zucchini bread. Both my son and I will gobble it right down like magic. Now you see it, now you don't!... Have a great day, and an even better weekend! ~tina

  5. The side dish does sound yummy! How nice to see the oriole, nothing quite so colorful here.
    I have kind of given up on harvesting any strawberries this year between the birds and the lizards. LOL!!


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