Sunday, June 30, 2013

Recovery and Back to Farmstead Fun

(Sapphire chillin' one evening)

While I had the internet off, I worked on my recovery.  It's not so fun, when you cannot taste your food.  I used hot and cold compresses, took hot, steamy baths, and sipped hot herbal teas.  I am still suffering from the sinus pressure, but thankfully, all my work paid off to help my sinuses drain.  I'm still congested, but much better.  And if you have never had Thyme tea to break of mucus, it really does work (remember I am not a doctor, only sharing my experience).

I couldn't really work on too many "crafty" projects, as my pounding head made anything (even reading) almost impossible.  I did do a lot of sleeping. I managed to write another postcard, and was able to sew up a few fabric yo-yo's.

The meat chickens are slaughtered now, the bedroom closet catastrophe is repaired (which caused us to clean out our clothes and donate 2 bags of clothes to the thrift store), and more goat fencing supplies were purchased (again).

Two of the kids (my son and 16 year-old daughter) picked wild black raspberries.  To be truthful, I wanted to stuff the berries in the freezer, but will try to can a batch of jam today.

We've been getting rain almost every day, and I am thankful for it.  I am thankful I don't have to go out to weed, and I am thankful for the rain in my barrels.  I am thankful the rain gives me time to recuperate a bit more. I'm thankful I got the chance to see the yellow finch family flutter around in the driveway - Mom, Dad and baby.  I am also very thankful for the wooden drying rack my mother and cousin bought for me on their recent getaway.  I'll try to get a picture of it, so you can see how nice it is.

What's next?  The bathroom tile. It's been 3 weeks or more since we tore it out.


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon!!

  2. Enjoyed reading your thankful thoughts and hope the sinus stuff will continue to improve rapidly :)

  3. You're sick and all this activity was taking place?!
    I envy that...when I used to get sick and the kids were still home...I don't remember all that work getting done, not until they were older I guess.
    Hope you continue to get well.

  4. Sorry you have been down with a bad summer cold! I hope you will be feeling better soon! Wild blackberry jam is one of the best summer gifts ever!

  5. I am sending you all kinds of positive thoughts to get rid of that nasty sinus infection... they are awful to have, I know!
    Feel all better soon my friend,
    Beth P

  6. Hope you get better soon. I don't envy you your chronic allergies there...


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