Tuesday, June 18, 2013

More From the Porch

I have had this wicker wreath for over 5 years now.  Each year I decorate it with something new.  This year, I got clearance priced silk flowers.

Hubby got into a "Get'R Done" mode, and put up our new porch sign.

Slowly, but surely, it's looking pretty nice on the porch.  Down in the lower right corner of the photo, you can see part of my tractor plant holder.  I forgot out it, and found it in the barn.  It needs a good washing, and a plant for it.

A new pot of flowers I added


  1. Your porch looks very pretty and inviting! Love that bright floral wreath for the door too.

  2. Looks great! I wish I had a front porch, sigh...

  3. Love the wreath. Your porch looks so inviting. Good job I live so far away otherwise I might just pop over with my knitting, to sit and have a cup of tea!


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