Monday, May 27, 2013

Rooster's Gone Wild and Other Farm Frenzies

I found this cute garden rooster, and it has a flower pot in it.  I admit, I didn't get very creative with the pot of flowers, but at least the grass in it looks like feathers.

The raccoon (or something else) got one of our meat chickens.  Since then, we have covered their "coop" better.  However, I wish I would have taken a photo of the aftermath.  Two chickens were outside the "coop" and one walking around.  The other was on the outside too, but hanging for life, on the outside of the fence, and stuck between that fencing and between the fencing behind it.  It was alive and not hurt, but I laughed in aw, wondering how in the world it got there.  It's hard to explain, but I sat that in wonderment and laughing.  It was one of those "Huh? How in the...." moments.

My son gifted me yet two more wonderful gifts.  One was a WiiFii extender, so I can receive a better connection back in  my room, and the other was this awesome apron.  It contains a printed photo of the drawing he did for me, and our farm name.  This will be the new apron I wear.  I love it!

Wanna guess what this mess is all about?  

It's the floor of the master bath shower.  The day after we moved in, the tile started to crack and come apart.  It has gotten so back, that we had extended family come over (who does this sort of thing for a living), and remove it all.  We bleached it, and they are coming back today to install new tile.  No wonder I was getting sick all the time. Underneath the tile that was in there, we found black mold.

Well, the rain is finally here, but putting a damper on a cookout.  I never did get the remaining tomato plants in the ground yet either.  I did get 4 lettuce plants, 2 cayenne pepper, and one more banana pepper planted.


  1. awwwe, what a wonderful son,,
    wiifii and a cute apron...

  2. I love your new apron with your son's lovely artwork! It is so pretty and colorful plus it is a one of a kind which makes it more special!! Perfect for the Farmer's Market!

  3. I just had new bathroom tile installed by family..only took them 8 months to complete it! The apron is a great gift and although you are getting is moving our way finally..we've been damp and cold all weekend!

  4. Neat, neat apron! I'll bet you have people wanting to buy it! :)
    I'm glad you found that nasty mold, that could very well be what has been making you sick all this time.

  5. Your apron looks great, what a thoughtful gift from your son.


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