Thursday, May 2, 2013

Phew! I'm Back ~ Family Funny

I'm back, and a day early.  The tulips are blooming and we have beautiful colors surrounding the front porch - pink, purple, red, and white.
My break from blogging gave me more time to work on our "extreme" house cleaning.  I got all the windows washed and cleaned of winter mildew, washed all the curtains, a few walls, and boots are put away.  I spent time cleaning out my closet (holds my crafts supplies, so you can imagine how packed in it is), and tidying up and dusted.  I also got work done in the gardens.

Here's what else I got accomplished:

I finished the brightly colored tablet cover.  It was too short for my youngest daughter's tablet, so it went to my 13 year-old.  However, I will still make her one.  I just won't make these for sale.  They will make great gifting ideas though.  The pattern is on Sugar n'Cream (, and you do need to register to view the free pattern.

I finally found a hot pepper jelly recipe that tastes hot, but it turned out too thick.  I've only had this problem once, but with another jelly.  If you have a hot pepper jelly recipe to share, I'd love to give it a try.   The one I made yesterday used habanero and green peppers, and the peppers get strained out.  Hubby said he'll eat it all, but I can't sell  any of it, so I'm a bit bummed about that.  It's just too thick.

~The Funny ~

I was sitting at the computer this morning, loading photos, updating blogs, and making the last of the market signs, when I hear my 13 year-old screaming in the bathroom.

Those of us who were up, began looking at each other, wondering what was going on in that bathroom.  I thought, hmm?  maybe a spider?  

I got her to unlock and open the bathroom door (after much more screaming, and by then I was thinking snake?).  We found her sitting on the top of the toilet, with her feet up on the sink, screaming even more.

Guess what it was?

A mouse!  Ha ha ha!  We got the biggest laugh.  Even though we sent in a mouser cat to get it, it escaped through a tiny crack in the floor. 

I was still laughing when the school bus arrived. Ha ha ha! 






  1. I bet one member of the family wasn't laughing!

  2. I've had some hot pepper jelly, that I bought from a road side produce stand. Man! it WAS hot and just the right jelly consistency.
    I've also had jelly turn out quite thick before.
    But...I don't have a recipe for you,sorry.
    I used to feel the same way about mice as your daughter... standing on anything! We've had mice a lot living here in the country...this year, I've finally found something that works to deter them. Peppermint oil on cotton balls! I have it in all the drawers of the kitchen and behind the microwave. That stuff works!
    I like your tablet cover. It is much cuter than my Kindle cover. I should try something with more color!

    take care, Pat

  3. Welcome back, your house must be sooo clean. How is Jesse doing?
    Love the tablet cover!

  4. Wow, you were busy! The tablet cover turned out really cute. That is funny about the mouse! LOL!! I wish I could help with a jelly recipe but that is one I've never attempted.

  5. You got a lot done.
    Poor child, but funny story !!!

  6. Emma,
    We have not yet heard back on Jesse's lab testing. Hopefully soon.

    She was laughing when it was all over with - ha ha ha!

    Thanks for that tip. I will have to use that idea.

  7. Use the hot thai peppers in a jelly. I've never had mine get too thick. I usually can't get mine to set and they get used for syrup. :) I'm pretty sure I just used the recipe from the Ball book for my jelly. It turned out mild even with jalepenos but my friend made it with the thai peppers and it was hot.

  8. Thank you MomMech. I will look for those peppers, and check my Ball book too.


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