Friday, May 10, 2013

My Shawl ~ Little House Style

Finally.  I finished my very own crocheted shawl.  I have
wanted one, like Caroline's on Little House on the Prairie, for years.   I kind of feel like this is a birthday present to myself.  I love it!  These take some time to crochet, but I may just add them to my store this fall.

I also finished a few washcloths. They will pair nicely with our goat's milk soap for gifting.


The news folks have been forecasting this year to be the worst allergy season ever.  At first I thought it was a gimmick to sell allergy meds more.  But, I think they are right.

Pollen is much thicker in the air just before a rain storm, and today (it rained last night), my eyes are watering like a faucet, and my nose too.  My throat is scratchy also.  I have downed my honey/vinegar mix once already, and hope to add honey to toast to fight this off, and of course I have my Allergy Easer oil to help. They are calling for more storms today too.

Oh, I have to tell you about the raccoons.  I don't have a photo, since my 16 year-old filmed it all on her ipod (hilarious to watch, or should I say hilarious to listen too?), but I can at least share.

Hubby got home and saw hay sitting outside the goat barn so he went out to see why.  When he walked in, he saw two raccoons in there.  My 16 year-old and my son went out to push them out, but the coons went to the old barn, and back again.  The chicken coop is in the same barn as the goats now too, but locked up tight at night.  So is the food.

A few hours later, that stinkin' raccoon was up at the door, eating the barn cat food.  So.....we are back to bringing it in every evening to keep those rotten things away.  They typically don't even show their faces until crops are in.  Now, the radio is left on in the barn all night too (on a talk radio station).

Oh the things us farm family's have to put up with. . . . 



  1. Your shawl is BEAUTIFUL! The stitching is lovely and the color is perfect too.

    Hope Jesse is doing better!

  2. Your shawl is lovely.
    Hope your allergies don't cause you too much trouble. My son and husband are suffering over here too.

  3. Good afternoon - l love your shawl. A co-worker just asked me for a Ma Ingall's shawl. She described it to me and even drew a picture of it. It was a perfect depiction of your shawl. Would you consider sharing the pattern? I would certainly appreciate it if you would. My co-worker is a real sweetheart, and she would be thrilled to have this shawl (maybe for Christmas, if I get started on it right away). have a great day, NoraGee

  4. Nora, just send me your information in the e-mail under "about me" under the complete profile.

  5. Hi Kristina, I'm looking for a pioneer shawl to make for my soon-to-be 7 year old granddaughter and her mother loved the one you made. I tried to find the email under "about me" but it wants me to sign in to Windows. This is totally baffling for me. Is there another way I could get your shawl instructions? Thank you.
    Judy vdW

  6. Judy, I don't know why blogger is doing that, but the pattern is on this post:


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