Monday, May 6, 2013

Comfrey or Cat?

I can't tell who is going to win this plant pot.  Will it be the cat or the comfrey?  See that little sprig to the right, in the bottom photo?  That's my comfrey, trying to come back to life.  Silly cat's.  The other day Timmy was in that very same pot.


  1. Yay kitty pictures! Boo stunting the comfrey's growth.

    I have a cat that sits in the window boxes that I plant lettuce in.

    I've never gotten lettuce out of it :)

  2. My cats do the same thing. Maybe the soil feels cool to them. Especially if it's hot there. Thanks for joining my craft swap, it's going to be fun.

  3. Your cat looks comfy in the comfrey! (Sorry, couldn't resist!) :)


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