Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday Can't Go Fast Enough ~ Baby Goat Gets a Name

As you can tell by my blogpost title, there are two of us who dread this week and next - driver's education classes. 
They are very long nights for the both of us, but she gets more driving time. Besides, she does need more night time driving experience.  Last night she got experience with driving in rain on the highway, and today it is snowing.  I was surprised to see that I was the only parent having their teen drive there and home.  Maybe I am already over the nerve ending part of it....she's the 3rd to learn to drive. 

My cough is driving me nuts, but I am going to walk today (or attempt it anyway).  I read somewhere that if your illnesses is below the neck (cough, chest congestion, etc.) that you should not exercise.  I plan to take it easy, but I need to walk at least 1 mile per day.

Hubby gave me gruff about not putting time into my writing, but as you can see in the photo, days are dreary here this week.  Sunshine helps with a lot in life.

Little baby goat got a name - Primrose.  "Prim" for short.

Yesterday I paid bills, did laundry,  brought wood in, did a lot of filing I put off, then baked some banana muffins.  One daughter painted a cupboard door for me.  I did a very small amount of writing, and then it was already time to let my daughter drive to her class.  And on those nights, I get to bottle feed "Prim" and fill the hay net, and feed her buck.  She tells me that she wants me to do the job, because I am the "farmgirl" (as she puts it).

Today, I have more laundry, as I am using 3 inside drying racks.  School is back in session, so the house should be less helter skelter, and I may just get writing completed.  I do need to add a second coat of paint to a drawer and put a door back up (that job is almost done!). 

Update on Lola:  we had to remove her chicken saddle/apron.  She absolutely hated it, and was looking very badly from the stress of it.  I just hope her feathers grow back soon....poor Lola.  



  1. I remember those teaching teens driving days! So glad that is over! This doom has made me want to hibernate as well. I am ready to walk outside! We have a meeting for our Farmers Market next week. Hard to believe that it will be upon us soon.

  2. I like the baby goat's name, very cute! I hope all goes well with the driving classes. I guess they don't do that in school anymore?

  3. Candy,
    Driver's ed, here, is not taught in school anymore. We have to pay a private company who does it, and then they still don't teach them how to change a flat tire. They require them to research it on the internet and that is it. And...parents have to do the teaching, way before they even take the classes. It's crazy anymore.

  4. Love the baby goat's name... Primrose is perfect! Ugh, driver's ed, eeek! I do hope you get better soon, having a cough for a long time is certainly no fun! I am sorry about your chicken, poor thing! Take it easy... and get well!
    Beth P


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