Sunday, March 17, 2013


It's Sunday and we already have a busy "work" day (I detest work on Sunday, but this "stuff" must get done....once and for all).

Have you ever had a job that needed to be completed, and it just kept dragging out?  And out?  And out?  And you never thought it would get finished?

The goat stalls, in the other barn, are one of those jobs.

Every time there is a day to work.....something is needed, something breaks, or the drill battery dies.  Or there is some kind of interruption that stalls the job.  And then there is the weather.

Today is the day, I want this job finished.  Say a prayer

We still have to move temporary fencing, build new fencing, and so forth.  

The reality of self-sufficiency, is that it takes investment.  Including time.    We don't have hired hands, and hubby works outside the home full-time.   And the other reality is, is that I have very little time, even as a stay-at-home Mom.  There are no "days off" for me.  Or for Hubby.


  1. Hopefully you will be able to get it done today.So you can write it off your list of things to do..

  2. Good luck getting it all done today!
    Hi-ho! Hi-ho! to work you go!

    We're the same here, there is always something.

  3. Almost same situation as you (SAHM, homestead, DH full time job), and don't you LOVE it when other people ask, "So, what DO you do all day with all that time?"

    Want to strangle them.

    Now get going on that goat pen! :)

  4. We live by the old saying "Make hay while the sun shines." Working on a Sunday is never a first choice, but when a Sunday is your option for doing a task, it must get done.

  5. Nope, no days off when you have a farm and critters! I hope you got the goat pens all finished yesterday!


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