Thursday, March 21, 2013

Poo on the Shoe and Hair Loss

Writing is one of my passions.  It's also how I help support our income.

I successfully wrote a narrative essay as an exercise yesterday.  That was after two days of writer's block.  

I am back to writing daily.  It really means a lot to me.  As a child, I fell in love with writing poems and still have many of them.  However, today, l do not write poetry.  For now anyway.

I follow a few blogs, regarding writing for a living, more encouragement, motivation, and tips.

In following Rachelle Gardner's blog, she adds statements to "tweet."  Since I do not "tweet" I am reposting one on my blog today:

“The first key to making a living as a writer is VOLUME."

So, today I plan to increase my "volume."

Over the last 5-7 years, I have let many distractions pull me away from writing.  It's very easy to do, when you have a large (blended) family.  It's not all peaches and cream.  It's also poo on you shoe and hair loss.  

So, whether the kids like it or not, Mom is back in action.  Which means (reality moment: kids don't like responsibility) a messy house most likely - Family Meeting Friday.




  1. You go girlfriend! SHe is woman hear her roar!

  2. You go girl....the family will get over it! LOL! I have to keep reminding myself that if I want to "move" back to my hometown I need to take actions every day towards that least 1-2 hours minimum per day without letting the rest of the house go to heck! LOL!

  3. I hope you get those kids to step up to the plate and help carry the load so that you can get back to your writing!

  4. Great stuff! where is you work published, I would love to read some of it?

  5. Emma, I used to write for eHow, but was asked for a "buy out." I took it, but before that removed many articles. The remaining ones do not have my by line. I have had articles in magazines etc. but it's been a while. I do have a few left on helium, but those were written so long ago, I do need to remove or upgrade them. My plan is to do more off-line writing (magazines, possible newspaper and more). In the mean time, I practice with exercise writing and contests (and short stories). If anything new is published, I plan to start a web-site as an author page for myself.


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