Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grueling Week

Although I've had a strenuous week, and had goat duties to cover my daughter's absence, I got the chance to hold and kiss the cutesome twosome (my name for the twin bucklings).

I pampered myself with fresh roses and tulips.

Today is the last day for Driver's ed. classes, and the first day of spring break (for the younger ones). 

The younger two girls have already bombarded me with sleepover runs, and so forth.   

Sharing a update on "Dark Days Challenge"

Breakfast has been farm fresh eggs, along with homemade whole wheat bread we bought, topped with hormone free (locally made) butter, and my home canned jams/jellies.

    This is the easiest recipes I have come up with.  Last summer we were gifted home canned Pepper Mustard Sauce.  I was told it would be delicous over meatballs.  However, I simply placed organic chicken tenderloins in the crock, then topped it with a jar of sauce.  Wa-La!  Dinner is served!

I served it over organic brown rice, along with broccoli and cauliflower.  

Snack?  Well, you'll get to see that tomorrow. 

Oh...and I plan to can that Pepper Mustard this summer, so watch for a recipe too.  We very much enjoyed it, and I very much enjoyed a stress-free dinner prep. 



  1. Those roses are beautiful! I have never heard of peppered mustard. Sounds good on pork!

  2. Lovely flowers.
    Pepper Mustard sounds interesting. Would love a recipe!


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