Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Resting ~ A Rug from Rags

One braided rag rug finished.

Rest is a difficult thing for me to do.  I am always doing something - laundry, baking, dishes, paperwork, animals, kids,etc.  So, I rested, and rested.  And finished my very first braided rag rug.

The rug contains 60 feet of 1/2 inch braid.  It consists of old sheets, pillow cases, and even an old fabric shower curtain.    I wanted to make it traditionally as possible.  It measures approximately 26 inches by 19 inches.  This is underneath hubby's bathroom sink, and I absolutely love the look of it.  So much better than store bought rugs that appear to be braided.  It really makes the house feel like a home.  So it only took 50 hours or so, but it was worth it.

I will be posting this on my S.C.R.A.P. blog later, along with how I made it.  I do not know anyone that has made one of these, so I relied on books and research.  I'll be sharing tips of what I would do next time also.  I will also share what didn't work for me.

Since I rested all day, and did a lot of much needed sleeping (sleeping off a low-grade fever), the laundry piled up into the size of a small mountain.  I really need to wash my bedding, and get the "crud" out of my bedroom. The sun is shining today, so I will shovel out my clothesline and get some fresh air.  

Just don't tell Nurse Hilda.  She's already taken my temperature in both ears (ha ha!) and has it recorded on her "chart."

One last note.  The kids have stepped up and over the past weekend, the older girls cleaned my kitchen.  I mean, really cleaned it.  My son re-stocked the firewood, refilled the chicken's, horse, and goat's water, and did three errands for me.  I didn't think the ladies at the library would want my cooties coughed all over them.  Hubby turned down over time last night so he could bring me hot soup and crackers.  

Secretly, I think they are all anticipating my complete recovery.  When I don't feel good, I am a grouch.  A fire breathing, eyeball dart shooting, dragon grouch.  

I better get started on my bedding.  I need to be back in my bed before Nurse Hilda gets home. 




  1. I've always wanted to know how to make one of these. I saw something similar using a hula-hoop for a frame but I think it was more of a weaving thing rather than a braiding technique.
    This is my first visit to your blog; I look forward to checking out your other 2 blogs too.

  2. Can't wait to see all the in's and out's on how to make this. Glad to hear you are felling better.

  3. I will definately be using your rug pattern.. It is very sweet of you family to step up and help out. I want to be left alone when ill...check on me a couple of times..then leave me alone..

    feel better soon..

  4. great rug, can't wait to find out how to make one!

  5. Looks wonderful!
    I look forward to the tutorial. I have always wanted to try rag rugs.

  6. Your rug turned out great, much better than any store-bought rug! :)
    That Nurse Hilda sounds like a tough girl, you better do what she says!! LOL!!

  7. LOVE your beautiful braided rug, Kristina, and look forward to hearing more about it!.. As for the mountain of laundry, I sure understand THAT. The payback is tough if I get sick for even a day around here. Just hope you're feeling yourself again soon.. Enjoy your weekend! ~tina

  8. Oh, that is too funny! I know...if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy! Get well soon!

  9. Oh, how could I forget the gorgeous rug!!!! I've always wanted to do one fo those too. Did you have one of those tools that braid the material for you? I can't wait to see your posts about it. Thanks! Oh, it is washable right?

  10. I did not braid the rug using "braid aids" and it is washable. I made a crocheted one a year ago, and it's still nice. I do dry them on the clothesline.


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