Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knitted Dishcloths

I have had more requests for this pattern, so I am re-posting the link on my blog.

Click  "Here" to go to the pattern.  Note:  I knit until I have 52 on my needles for the size that I sell in our store and at the Farmer's Market:


  1. Still haven't taken up knitting.
    Is this something a beginner could do?


  2. Pat,
    When I failed at learning to knit, using books, I used the internet. If you search YouTube for a how-to video, it is a great help. You can pause the video and work at your own pace, rewind etc. It really helped me learn, and I am still learning new stitches.

  3. Thank you so much for the info!!

  4. I have never tried this knitted cloth. i make mine all the time but most of them are crocheted. It just goes much faster for me. You do such fine work with those needles.

  5. What size needles do you use? I want to make some of these...thanks for the pattern!

  6. For these dishcloths I use knitting needles size 7.


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