Sunday, February 17, 2013

From the Handiwork Journal . . .

. . . finished a few more knitted dishcloths for the store.

 . . . cut up three t-shirts to get a head start on yet another project.

 . . . working on my "getaway" scrapbook regarding hubby and I.  I am continue to add new photos, stories, captions, and memorabilia to it.  It contains our happiest memories of getaways together, taking the stress out of our daily lives, and making time for each other.  The term "island time" came from our most recent island retreat, where it means there are "no rules" for anything. No pressures, no demands, no schedules, and no worries.  Simply live and enjoy, and don't worry over anything.

. . . finished two more pot holder sets for sale.

I started to weave a few bookmarks, using up some thread that I bought at a thrift store (and Scrap store) years ago.  I posted this project on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot. There are advantages to being sick - finished up old projects and starting new ones, without feeling guilty.




  1. I love seeing all the projects you get into and it is amazing to me that you finish so many of them so fast. I can never seem to keep up that way around here. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks Kim. I think being in bed sick gave me more time to work on these projects. The bookmarks are pretty fast to make and pretty simple. I am making some for gifting next Christmas season, to get it done early.

  3. Love the colors on those dishcloths, they really POP!! Glad you were able to catch up on some projects but not glad you were sick.

  4. I love the dish rags - I think I will learn to knit again - and earn a badge in the process! But I really would like to have some more of those dish rags - I have one! Nice job!

  5. I love that dishcloth pattern, I've made up a few using it.
    What are you planning with that t-shirt yarn?

  6. Emma, I am planning to make dog rug or cat rug with them. I need to cut up many more t-shirts first.

  7. I don't know if you share your secrets - but can you tell me what kind of yarn I should buy to make some solid colored dish cloths like your purple and red ones? Thank you! Wish you could teach me how to knit!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. love your pretty colored dish cloths and your potholders too! Have you tried my "double thick" potholder pattern? I have it on Ravelry and my id is Saminar. It's easy and really think and I bet it would sell well in your store/market. Just a thought. It's not my pattern but there's a link to the FREE pattern on my Ravelry projects page. It's the only potholder I have out there. Are you on Ravelry? If you are then send me your id so we can be "friends" on there too. There's so many great projects and many are free.


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