Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cold and Cozy ~ Vehicle Repairs/Sales

Last night I attempted to get my jammies on early (very early at 5pm), and read my new Folk magazine.  A dear friend gifted me a subscription, and I have never read this magazine before.

However, last night, we had a lot of traffic in and out.  Thus, my jammies never went on early, and I didn't get to enjoy this magazine with a cup of tea.

This morning, it's a different story.  I plan to read with peace and quiet, as all the kids are in school/college, but one.  It's freezing here, and snow on the ground from yesterday, so it's a perfect day to "cozy" up and read.

With so many leftovers, I won't need to make dinner tonight either.  Yay!  I do need to use up 4 more bananas.

Yesterday I baked a blueberry/banana muffin recipe to use up both, then baked a batch of homemade granola, and then started a crock pot of beef stew.  I tossed in frozen Kohlrabi I had in the freezer from last summer's garden too.

We sold both the van and the car yesterday.  There's good and bad news.  We discovered the intake was cracked on the van (could have been done by the last guy we hired to install the last parts), and it would cost about $289.00 to replace.  Then we discovered a strut broken on my son's old car.  If driven this way, could cause the driver to have a bad accident.  We informed the buyers, they offered much lower prices, we sold them as is, as they offered to do the repairs.   However, overall, I am glad we discovered it prior to selling.  We are honest folks, and want to keep it that way.


A Year of Quotes:

"What's important is that one strives to achieve a goal."
    ~ Ronald Reagan


  1. What a bummer about the vehicles but at least they are sold!
    Let us know how you like the magazine, I've not seen that one before.
    It's snowing like crazy here right now. I'm hoping for early jammies tonight myself! ;)

  2. We got a lot of snow here. I am thinking it's a good day to make bread. It's going to be a quiet day here too.

  3. So glad you sold the vehicles.
    Too bad about them needing repairs, but as long as you gave FULL disclosure to your buyers--that's all that matters.
    Glad you're feeling better.
    I won a subscription to FOLK last year. It's alright--has some good recipes, and crafts. I guess the best part is all the businesses and advertisers are selling products MADE IN THE USA and homegrown artisans!
    They are a bit liberal for my taste--but that's not deterred me from reading it!
    Pricey--so won't re-up my subscription. It was nice enough while it was free. :)

  4. Let me know how you like that FOlk magazine and what it's like. I've seen it online but never knew what was inside.
    It's nice to have sleep better at night.


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