Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Up Early ~ Frozen Pipes ~ Handmade Hay Net ~ A Prescripton for Myself

Cell phones were ringing early this morning.  Both between 4am and 5:30am.  Hubby was called in to work, and the school called.  With temperatures at -12°F, the school is currently delayed for 2 hours.  I am praying all the outside animals stayed warm enough last night.  The barn cats did not come to the door, so I am sure they found a warm corner in the barn.

Our water pipes froze last night, which was to be expected, so last night I warned the kids to fill all the water jugs for the animals, and of course flushing toilets.  At 7am, we got cold water, but hot water pipes were still frozen.

Yesterday I made a hay net for Blondie.  The drawstring is a bit too short, but she ate all the hay in it.  I'll be posting a photo on my S.C.R.A.P. blog later.

...this is what I prescribed to myself today, along with a hot up of tea.

I love Leslie Meier mystery novels.   Lucy Stone, married with two kids, is a newspaper reporter in Tinker's Cove.  My kind of book.  If you haven't read the Lucy Stone series, you should.  


  1. Its very cold here too. Hate milking cows when it is this cold.

  2. Awesome hay net!
    I love your self prescribed break! We should all do that more often. :)


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