Saturday, January 5, 2013

Time . . .

Time goes so fast when gardening season arrives, so I am working double time to work on a writing schedule.  

It's been tough.  As soon as my feet hit the floor (literally), Tiger is meowing and under my feet until I feed him, and the other house cats.

But when I do that, I see barn cats peeking into the door for their food too.  Some times it's Aurora squeaking her paws downward, begging for her breakfast.

After that is done, I finally get the coffee brewing, and load wood to the wood stove.  However, to do this I have to go outside to get wood, as the last one up, did not bring any in.  Hmpf....

When that is completed, a half hour passes.  Or so it seems.

Then I finally sit at the computer, with work to start, and I hear the pitter patter of paws, and the jingling of dog collars.

I let them out to do their business, and when I finally sit back down, hubby gets up....."you ready to go to the gym?"

I think an office, far far away, would help me out right now.      


  1. Or maybe earplugs?!


    The kitties and pooches MUST be obeyed :)

  2. I hear you, just WHERE does the time go?!? Fer Pete's sake, it's 2:30 already and I still have to vacuum!

  3. I live alone but yet with the 2 dogs and the new still seems there's always someone needing something~LOL! The other stuff I can only blame on myself. Good luck!

  4. Hey, even when you have an office, time still flies...


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