Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lentil Casserole ~ Delicious!

I'll be honest when I tell you that I had my doubts trying this recipe.  Once again, I found it in a library book.

It's a win-win recipe.  My kids devoured this and wanted more.  I'm not exaggerating either.  It's inexpensive, healthy, and delicious.  They were even asking for it the next day.  No kidding.

I really like the fact that even my kids can bake this dish.  I can utilize my home grown herbs, and dehydrated (or fresh) onions too.

Here is the recipe:
Lentil Casserole
(adapted from Are You Tired and Wired, by Marcelle Pick)

1 cup low-sodium, organic chicken or vegetable broth
1/4 cup dry lentils (rinsed and drained)
1/4 cup uncooked organic brown rice
1 clove garlic, minced
1/3 cup chopped onion
1 tsp. oregano (dry)
1 tsp. basil (dry) 
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese.

Preheat oven to 300°F.  Mix all ingredients except cheese.  Lightly oil a baking dish with olive oil.  Add ingredients to the baking dish, and cover  (note:  I evenly placed the mixture into the baking dish, and slowly poured the broth over it).  Bake for 75 minutes.  Remove the dish, uncover, and sprinkle cheese over top.  Place back into the oven and continue to bake until cheese is melted.

Servings: 2

Note:  I more than doubled this recipe (4 x the recipe), and used one onion.  I did increase all the other ingredients, using 4 cups broth, 4 cloves garlic etc. and it turned out very nicely.



  1. I have to admit, when I first saw the title of your post, I decided to skip it today....because the last lentil casserole I made was just, well, horrible. I think it's just three of the dishes I've ever made that nobody would eat.

    But, I shall give yours a try this weekend and let you know what we thought. But really, how can you go wrong with onion, garlic & parmesan cheese?!

  2. Just checking- lentils go in casserole dry? and come out soft? I ve never tried lentils but have tried other dry beans and except pressure cooker they never come out soft. Just checking ;]

  3. I've always liked lentils, easy to cook and a nice flavor...

  4. Yes, you put the lentils in dry, and the broth is poured over everything after your mixture is. The broth soaks into the rice and lentils and bakes up very nicely.

  5. Thanks for this recipe! I'm always looking for new side dish ideas and I have some lentils in the freezer that need to be used up! :)

  6. Sounds very good. Did you use it as a meat sub? What did you serve with it?

  7. You can serve this with anything really. Add it to a fish dish maybe, with other vegetables, or just by itself. My kids asked for it again, and may get it for an after school snack too.

  8. Thank you! I will be making this a.s.a.p. as I need to get my food budget down.

  9. Just had a wisdom tooth yanked this morning, an can only eat soft stuff. This is going to be perfect and my kids love lentils! Have been meaning to make it since you posted it the other day. Might even convince hubby to try making it as I feel like i've been hit in the face with a large bat!


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