Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grandma ~ Her Creative and Frugal Living

Both of my grandmothers had their own talents and special ways, in which they enjoyed living life.  I am lucky to have one container of crafting supplies that belonged to one of them.  She made jewelry from beads, crafted with empty styrofoam egg cartons, and made so many usable things from other people's trash.

During the Great Depression, my grandfather, repaired vehicles for extra cash.  My grandmother (both on my Dad's side of the family), made everything and anything.  She grew everything, canned everything, sewed everything she wore, and was very resourceful.

My Dad used to tell me stories on how Grandma would get lamp poles from people's garbage and re-build them into useable lamps.  She would then sell these.  She was good with carpentry also.

In memory of her frugality, perseverance and love for creativeness, I posted a re-creation of her Egg Carton Jewelry on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot.  Enjoy! 



  1. People were so ingenious back then. We need some of that in today's world.

  2. your Grandmother, sounds like my Granny Jo! She was so industrious, frugal, and savvy when it came to re-purposing and using what she had on hand. She did a great job making extra money too!
    Glad you have those memories of your grandparents and their frugal lifestyles--
    I like to think i inherited some of mine from my grandparents-- being around them and watching them.



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