Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Angel Cookies and Real Books

As you know, I am a very low-tech, or no-tech person.  I do not read books on electronic devices, nor read them on-line on my computer.  I like to hold the real thing in my hands, and enjoy it without batteries.  That's just me.

(note:  In no way, I am writing this to be hurtful to those who do use electronic reading devices.) 

Several years ago, I found a wonderful cookie recipe in a library (fiction) book - Aunt Dimity's Christmas, by Nancy Atherton.

Luckily, this author now has her "book" recipes posted on-line, and I can share it here:  Angel Cookie Recipe

I love to read Christmas books in the middle of summer (year round for that matter), and you just never know where you'll find the next wonderful recipe.

We not only make this recipe in the form of angels, but use it for our "family" recipe for all cut-out cookies.



  1. I agree, there's nothing like a real book! :)

  2. I never thought I would give up my books...the smell, the feel of the pages...uhm but I did..for me, with lupus..a reader is easier to manage when my hands don't work..

    I love your list of foods tried...I live in lobster country and have never had a lobster roll!


  3. I've never seen that one but I've read some of the Aunt Dimity books and love them. Thanks again for another great recipe.


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