Friday, December 28, 2012

Reflections of 2012

I made homemade deodorant for the first time.

I learned to be more resourceful.

 Finished a crocheted blanket to take camping.

 Had "wig" night with the kids (and pets too). 

I baked more foods from scratch.

(photo taken by my daughter)
Buried a very much loved barn cat named Joey.

 Did many farm/barn repairs.

 Tried new foods and recipes.

 (photo taken by my daughter)
Experienced the birth of two different baby goats.

Took an "accidental" road trip with hubby.

I added a few more useable antiques to our home.

Invested in Araucanas.

 (our daughter who tends the goats and makes the soap)
Had successful soap making. 

Participated in the Farmer's Market for the first time ever.

  Got through many trials and tribulations.

 Took more time out for myself.

 Made homemade ricotta cheese with our goat's milk for the first time.

 Canned more.

 Planted more.

 Dehydrated more.  

 Received "Farm Girl of the Month" in July. 

Went camping.

  Spent more time focusing on my marriage with weekend trips to rejuvenate, relax, and enjoy.

 Had a "salsa" party to celebrate and try new canned salsa recipes. 

Inherited many family heirlooms (Grandmother's doll my Aunt made, my mother's rings and hankies, and more).

Buried our good friend Gus.

Happy New Year's and may 2013 be full of blessings, love, and peace. 





  1. Blessings to your & yours! And thanks for the pictures; it's nice to see how the year went by.

  2. Happy New Year. May it be a great year for you and your family.

  3. Loved the year in review! You accomplished quite a lot!! :)


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