Monday, December 3, 2012

Local Food Pantry Supply Low

Food pantries in our area are in need of donations.  I recently put together an e-mail, encouraging my farmgirl friends to donate this season. 

The sad part is, that most of America today, is suffering with their own income.  Most people are already barely making ends meet with raising kids, school costs, let alone put food on the table (healthy food at that).

I was able to collect $25.00 from all the letters (and phone calls) I mailed out, and it came from a food manufacturer in Michigan.  Then I remembered that my husband's employer will donate $300.00 to a charity of our request, however we needed the correct information in a short amount of time.  With luck, we were able to have his employer donate $300.00 in his behalf, to an are food bank.

I also offered to write up a flyer to present recipes for homemade detergent, which is another item visitors of the food pantry need.  I was told that people would not pick it up nor be interested in it.

I am actually considering holding free classes (or by donation) to any family in a financial bind, on how to make healthy meals on a budget (dried beans, fresh veggies and fruits included), and how to make homemade cleaners.  I think people just get absorbed into the convenience of quick and easy, and think "homemade" is too time consuming.  I think people might even be a little scared to try homemade anything, when they are desperately trying to feed themselves, and their families.

Tidbit:  A recent newspaper article stated that food pantries, in our state, are being used more often, than when they were throughout the recession. 


  1. I'm not for sure what the food banks are doing in our area or how they are doing, I should say. I did donate around Halloween--to a blood drive slash food drive. Any little bit helps--people don't have to give HUGE AMOUNTS...just a little bit from everyone helps. The other thing that people don't realize it--Humane Society--they take donations too, for pets in need of food. For that matter, the Food banks may have food available for people in need with pets as well, you have to ask.
    Funny, you mentioned HOMEMADE CLEANERS...couple of things.
    I'll be teaching 2 young moms this week how to make the liquid form of laundry soap. I've taught women before at our church...most still use it.
    The other thing is, when you make your soap, you could bottle up a handful of samples to give those who may be leary of it and don't want the expense..."in case they don't like it".
    I agree with what you said about convenience...and you put it very kindly. I would have been more apt to say--convenience makes people lazy! Poor little Americans. :)


  2. I hate to burst your bubble but teaching most people who use the food banks how to make detergent is a waste of time. I volunteer at these food banks ALL YEAR round. If a box of cake mix comes in the center it sits there for over a month as none of this people have the 'energy' to mix up a boxed cake mix. Oatmeal can sit on the shelf for two to three months and never get picked up. Too much effort to bake or make a family a pot of oatmeal when there is instant.We have held cooking classes from scratch. They attend because they have ready made dinners afterwards, but never come in to pick up the ingredients to do it on their own again. It is a fast society. people want things now, and with little efforts. I am Not saying NOT to give to food banks, but to remember these people year round, expectationally the babies. Their food and needs must be met.People tend to be generous this time of year and forget these people have hardships 365 days of the year.May God bless you for your efforts. You are thinking and doing wonderful things.

  3. What a great, and timely, reminder! Must remember to add some canned goods to my next shopping trip for the local food pantry.

    It's sad that there are food pantries that will not accept things like your homemade laundry detergent. I'm not sure if it's just the pantry's decision of if people who go in there just don't know or don't "like" homemade stuff. The term Beggers can't be choosers no longer apply I suppose.

    I've also often thought about giving classes at the house for homemade cooking, gardening, small livestock, wild edibles, etc.. But not only will DH have a fit if I invited a bunch of strangers to the homestead (not that I blame him for his worry), but we've been having quite the uptick in crimes here and I wouldn't want to put my family in any danger. That's just too bad, and it saddens me that we can't safely share our information with others without being afraid for our safety.

  4. I believe what you were told about people not being interested or picking up the flyer is correct. I spent many years working with various programs to assist families in need.

    My experience is that they are not interested...just give them the food, money, energy assistance, etc. Anyway, that is my experience of 25 years. Sorry.

  5. I am so in agreement with OneSimpleFarmgirl...when huge sheet cakes from bakeries were in the food bank they got made when those ran out and it was a banana bread. Wouldn't take it. Go figure. Changed my mind forever about food banks. We still donate but not very much money.

    One time they had chicken thighs available but no one would take them because the bone was in. Sigh.

  6. I work with a high poverty group daily, 85% of our kids. I read a book called "A Framework For Understanding Poverty" that was fascinating. In multiple generations it's almost always instant gratificiation, no planning. "Do you want a bag of potatoes? No, just a box of instant." The bag would last a couple of weeks, the box a meal or two. Always the newest gizmos, but no winter coat for the kid. It's sad, but I "get it" now. I have always donated to the local food bank, and do a yearly drive for the local Humane Society. People have to want to change, or they won't...


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