Friday, December 7, 2012

From the Gratitude Journal . . .

 . . . I am thankful for wind and sun.

. . . I am thankful that we found Nellie (our lost araucana), and she is safe and sound. I wish I had a photo of her to share.  She is very pretty.  I'll try to do that soon.

 . . . I am thankful that my son caught the owl in the coop before it could kill the rest of our chickens.

. . . I am thankful for beautiful sunsets.

. . . I am thankful for calm weather, so I can turn off my corn/pellet burner to save on pellets today.

. . .I am thankful for honest friends.

. . .I am thankful for God's timely reminders and Love.  




  1. This is a wonderful post. Thankful for wonderful blog friends that are thankful to God.

  2. That is a gorgeous sunset! I adore sunsets, so thank you for sharing it.
    And this is a beautiful post!
    I am thankful for all of my blogging friends and for blogger, where we can all meet, share our lives and learn and grow.

    Have a blessing filled day!

  3. I'm so glad you found Nellie!! Thank you for such a lovely post! :)


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