Saturday, December 1, 2012

Brussel Sprouts ~ Eating Healthy ~ Pinching more Pennies

There is more to be said for organic, or chemical free, foods.  I have been reading "......" and learning even more lately.

Did you know that organic ketchup contains 3 x the lycopenes that regular store brand ketchup contains?  That's a bonus, in addition to being chemical free.  I use a lot of ketchup to make homemade sloppy joes.

Did you know that 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon contains 18 calories?  I knew it was good for you, but was not aware of the calories in it.

Well, I am really enjoying reading Chef MD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine, by John La Puma, M.D. and Rebecca Powell Marx. 

We did not grow brussel sprouts this past summer.  I think we simply over looked it.  I realized, that without growing them, I didn't serve them for meals.  This book highlights foods, and breaks down the contents of each, and the benefits of each.

I went in search for frozen, as fresh are not in season here, and found them.  I partially thawed 2 - 12 oz. bags (simply because that was the size they were packaged in), sliced them in half, and tossed them with olive oil, chopped onion, and minced garlic.  I roasted them for about 40 minutes.  

These were not only delicious, but smelled soooooo good when they were roasting.  These will be served more often now.  They are packed with goodness, and protect the body in many ways.  Even my kids ate them.

This morning we are trying Oatcakes for breakfast.  This is not only a penny pincher meal, but adds healthy grains to our diet.  I'll be back with an update.  The recipe only uses 1 Tbsp. of sugar and 1 egg. 



  1. I LOVE Brussels sprouts & it's one of those vegetables (either fresh in season, or frozen) that I will spend the money on. We just had some yesterday, but now the bag is empty! Going to have to take a trip into the store I guess.

  2. I LOVE Brussels sprouts too! I usually toss mine with a little lemon juice and Parmesan cheese after roasting, per Farmgirl Susan's recipe! :)

  3. Sounds delicious! I'm a big fan of brussels spouts. We have given up on growing them as the deer here seem to like them more than we do! unfortunately the lack of spouts just meant that they took to eating our cauliflower!
    I like to finely slice mine and 'wok' cook them in a little butter with pecan nuts and cranberries.


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