Monday, December 24, 2012

Birthday Cake ~ Spaghetti Tacos ~ Christmas Eve Arrives

The kids were all doing their own thing, while I was in the kitchen frosting a birthday cake for our youngest daughter.

 I got a little crazy with the frosting - ha ha ha ha!  I guess that happens, when I have peace and quiet and frosting bags in my hands.

I added even more after I took these photos.  And when it was finished, my daughter added plastic cats to the top center of the cake.

Her requested dinner was spaghetti tacos.  They are pretty good too.

Christmas Eve arrived way too early this year.  I plan to slow this day down as much as possible, hug my kids more often and hug our pets more often.  Hug my parents more often, and put my perspectives on a more prudent path in life.





  1. Cake looks amazing!! you are so talented.
    'more hugs' - great idea. So I'm off now to hug my boys and my dog.
    Sending you a blog hug also.
    Kindest regards

  2. What a beautiful cake!
    Merry Christmas to you all!! :)


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