Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Dog's Anxiety Cure ~ No Pills

We had thunderstorms last night.  My daughter donned her pup with his thundershirtAt first he did shake, but calmed down and even went to sleep during the worst of the storm.

It workedThis is Jesse in the morning.  When we bought it, they offered to embroider his name for free.  His thundershirt is personalized.

By no means is this meant to advertise this product.  We are simply sharing our dog's experience.  

Prior to the thundershirt, he would shake, pant heavily, his veins would stick out from stress, and he'd hide in places like the bathroom.   He would experience this during any storm, loud noises, fireworks, guns firing, orwhen the stone company blasted stone down the road.

Thank goodness he doesn't have to take pills, and we found a healthy alternative. 


  1. We have two dogs so I wondered how well this worked. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm glad it works for him! I always feel so bad for the dogs when they are scared because no amount of telling them "It's alright" ever works.

  3. I they'd have had these years ago for our 2 dogs...


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