Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kitchen Makeover Progress and Other Boring Stuff


After - In Progress

I got the second coat of paint on 2 cupboard doors and 3 drawers.  I also got a second coat on the cupboard front itself.  When we moved in here, the cupboards did not have hardware.  We bought cheap knobs, and those will be replaced also, as income allows it.

The dishwasher hose, under the sink gave way the other day.  The clamp simply gave up, spraying water everywhere.  The back door knob is needing replaced now also.

I made 3 quarts of organic apple sauce, but was too tired to can it.  It's going to be eaten at breakfast, lunch and dinner for a fruit side.  I love making this, don't get me wrong, I just didn't have time to can it.  I love not having to recycle jars from store bought applesauce.

My son helped install new smoke alarms - all have been checked and have batteries.  He also took items to the recycling center and took the library returns in.  He also cleaned the chicken coop for me (YAY!)

All the chicken barn windows are now covered with plastic.  We just need to get the goat stalls going, and fast too.

I finished the last dishcloth for my Aunt, and working on scarves for those in need, next.

 Although we are still getting a few sunny days, some are cold and rainy.  I am still hanging my laundry outside.  This really helps on keeping our electric bill down, and it smells better anyway.



  1. I love the way the cabinets turned out. We also need to get plastic up on the windows of our coops.

  2. Wow, the cabinets are beautiful, very farmhouse looking!!
    I am lucky that I get to hang out most of my laundry all year long. I sometimes have to plan washing day around the weather but, you are right, it sure smells good!


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