Saturday, November 3, 2012

Christmas Count Down

I love Christmas time.  I love to make ornaments.  I love to bake and cook.  I love that I have time to read this time of year.  I borrowed this book from the library (interloan).  I love this book.  It not only has lots of recipes, but tips on each page for frugal gift ideas, or jazzing up a home baked gift, or fun homemade holiday decor.  

 As a child, my sisters and I would cut pieces of paper, write numbers on each one, and punch them with a hole punch.  We'd then tie the numbers with yarn and tape the countdown to our headboard on our beds.  We'd look forward to ripping off those papers each day, as Christmas got closer.  Of course as a child, we'd relish the day for opening gifts.  Today, I embrace the real reason for Christmas, but still have the opportunity to watch the kids with anticipation.

I saw this fun activity in the book, and thought it would be fun for adults to make for themselves, for adult friends, or kids.

So, who will you make one for? 

1 comment:

  1. That is a cute idea but I can't think of anyone who would really appreciate it! LOL!!


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