Monday, November 5, 2012

Bean Baking Day ~ Hubby Gets A Flat

Today is a bean baking day.  I have two crock pots going - one with 2 lbs. of black beans, and one with 2 lbs. of kidney beans.  These will be frozen and used for meals to cut the cost (and unhealthy ingredients) in canned beans. 

Last night was a short night for sleep for three of us - hubby, me and my son. 

He called at 12:40am, and said he had a flat tire on the highway, just outside of his work.  He works about 1 hour from home.  

My son and I drove up, bringing a jack and tire.  However, the jack was not strong enough for his Explorer.  Luckily, Meijer was open at that hour, and we had to buy a new jack.  Once the tire was on, they needed to put air in it (something he didn't think to ask me to do before we left home).  Luckily, he has an air compressor in his vehicle. 

We made it home about 3:00am, and I woke up with major allergy/sinus issues.  I could not see from one eye, and used my lavender eye pillow that I keep in my freezer.  When that didn't work, I had to resort to eye drops for allergies.

I think there will be three of us taking a nap today.   Hubby took a personal day, as he would have only had 3 hours of sleep to go to work today.  

All the kids are home today - school conference days.  


  1. Good idea cooking up the beans ahead of time. I often forget to start mine! LOL!!
    Sorry about the flat tire and the sinus problems. Hope you are all feeling better today.

  2. I not only cook them in the crockpot but I also can them in my pressure canner. They taste just like store bought too.


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