Friday, October 12, 2012

Pen Collection

It's a news alert!  This post has nothing to do with being frugal, stocking up, self-sufficiency, or anything garden related.  Shocking news huh?

I have a few collections, and have been coming across strays while cleaning this fall.  This is one of my many pens.  It has buttons on the back to control the hands, moving them out and back again.  I bought this one many years ago, because I love to box, and hubby taught me how.

I love to write, and have a habit of collecting unusual pens.  I do use them too.  I just have to be careful and not buy more than I can use.

.....guess I better get back to writing. 


  1. Kristina!
    how funny! I love this pen. I used to have such a thing for office supplies. When I'd be shopping at WM and I wanted just a little something for myself; I'd go down that isle and usually purchase something small. The favorite...Pens!
    I also used to buy quirky pens for my Sunday School students to use and have them on the table in my classroom.

    This one would have been a 'hit'!
    reminds me of ROCK 'EM SOCK 'EM remember that toy? My brother got that game for Christmas when we were kids!

    this post made me smile, thanks! Pat

  2. Pat, you made me crack up laughing when you mentioned Rock'em sock'em robots! Ha ha ha ha!


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