Wednesday, October 31, 2012

National Novel Writing Month ~ Are You Ready?

I have been waiting for NaNoWriMo for a while now.  Yay!  It starts tomorrow and ends at midnight the last day of November.  

If you are a writer, go to their site, and sign up to write a novel (50,000 words or more) in 30 days.

It's fun.  It's spontaneous.  It holds me accountable.  It keeps my mind in tip top shape.  Anything goes.

Now go tell everyone you are going to be writing a novel next month.  I am. 


  1. Seriously?! Just like that you decided to write a novel?
    I'd love to do that...but I don't think I can commit.
    Are there special requirements?
    I'm going to check it out.

  2. ok...Kristina-- You're not everyone, but I'm telling you I signed up!
    I'm writing a novel in November!!!

    I'm clueless.
    We'll see how it goes. Pat


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