Sunday, October 21, 2012

Key Chain Collection

(Soon to be on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot)

I have a another collection that I started collecting around 1981 (best that I can remember) - key chains.

Despite living a more self-sufficient lifestyle, key chains are still an inspiration for me.  I try to buy one from every place I visit.  Some of them were also gifted to me.  Some I make myself.

This one I made recycling an empty pill bottle.  I'll try to get the directions written on my S.C.R.A.P. blog soon.  I won't be using this keychain, as it contains shells from the last island trip with hubby.  It's more of a "memory" key chain.

I wonder if the Pioneers collecting anything?  Possibly marbles, dolls or buttons?  Our world today in America is "more."  Everything is in abundance. 

I do have plans to display my collection.  The "where" and "when" hasn't been decided on yet.


  1. Yes... I believe they collected things like... string, flour sacks,buttons, etc. They repurposed all that stuff.
    I know your question is probably rhetorical...but you know me, I always have to share my thoughts. :)
    So you've collected pens and keychains.
    I don't know what I've collected. Because I 'keep' so much because it appeals to me. There is a difference right? Between collecting and keeping...?

    have a nice Sunday, Pat

  2. Thanks Pat, I really did wonder what they collected or kept. I imagine the flour sacks were so useful and buttons too.

  3. I like your keepsake keychain, very cute! :)
    I keep thinking what it would be like to not have so much "stuff" but I can't ever decide what to get rid of. :(

  4. I like your keychain and what a lovely way to keep and display little objects.
    Please post pictures of your collection I would love to see them all.


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