Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cinnamon Cider Jelly

I make Cinnamon Cider Jelly every fall.  I typically give this away for gifts versus selling it.

Cinnamon Cider Jelly
4 cups apple cider
1/2 cup cinnamon imperials (red hot candies)
1 box powdered pectin (1-3/4 oz)
4 1/2 cups granulated sugar
Add cider, cinnamon candies, and powdered pectin to a 6-8 quart stainless steel pan.

Heat and stir on high, until it reaches a rolling boil.

Add sugar, and stir on high until it reaches a rolling boil.  Boil for 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and skim.  Pour into sterilized, hot jars,  wipe jars with a clean wet towel, and add lids and rims.  

Place jars into canning pot.  Process for 10 minutes.

Remove from canner and place on towel lined counter/table.  Let sit for 24 hours.  Place any jars that have not sealed into the refrigerator.

Yield:  Approximately 7 half pint jars.

For Candy Apple Jelly, simply use organic, unsweetened apple juice in place of the Apple Cider. 

1 comment:

  1. I made this last year for a church bazaar. A lady bought all of it for Christmas gifts ,for her work place.


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