Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pureed Cucumber ~ Chicken Wraps with Cucumber Suace, Salsa, and Honey

We discovered that pureed cucumber can be frozen and used for facial masks, for soap making, and for winter soups.

For our facial mix, we peel and puree 1/2 cucumber, and add 1 Tbsp. of  plain yogurt.  These facials are wonderful, and once it's on our face, it's so refreshing.

We haven't made soap with it yet.  However, now that I know I can freeze it for that purpose, I am stocking up on it. 

We continue to stock up - every day.  It rained last night a bit and I am still getting more tomatoes. I've been so busy canning and freezing and dehydrating, that I forgot to call and get an appointment for the chimney to be swept.  I better do that next week.

Hubby has a sore tooth, so I called and made him a dentist appointment. We have a bad habit of always putting the kids before us.  I hope it's not too late to save his tooth.

My son dropped out of college for his own reasons.  He's a mature adult and was paying for it himself, and it was his decision to make.  He's researching ways to sell his artwork, such as designs for t-shirts and such.  He's working on a large drawing this week.  

Hubby helped my son fix his car last night.  Thankfully, it was a quick fix and inexpensive.  My son needed to drive to work at 4am.  He's not happy with his job, but I commend him for not quitting until he finds another one.  Jobs are very difficult to find here.  He's going to need a better car soon too.

For dinner last night we used up more cucumber and salsa to make Simple Sweet and Spicy Chicken Wraps.  These were a hit, and utilize cucumbers, organic chicken, and raw honey.

My teenager that is in the 8th grade, was stressing over her class trip (that is next spring).  She told me that students are not allowed to wear capri pants or skinny jeans on the trip.  I had to remind her it will be cold out and that skinny jeans are inappropriate when they are representing their school.

I over slept, so I better get busy.   I have some jelly, jam and possibly tomatoes to deal with today.  

Pears won't last so I may even make a Crackly Pear Cake too.  It's a good thing I blog, so I can go back and see what I can make each year.  I often forget.  I can go down memory road too, reading that post (click on the cake to read it), because I was going to college to get my degree in journalism.  I dropped out when my kids were in their car accident, and Mom was in the hospital for heart surgery.  There was just too much going on to be able to concentrate on my work.  Maybe I'll go back some day, but not now.  Then again, writer's don't need a college degree to write.  Maybe if I wanted to work for a newspaper.  Photo-Journalism sounds interesting too.

There I go again.....rambling.  I guess today is a ramble kind of day. Sigh....


  1. Thanks for the cuke ideas! Yes, kids have to make their own ways. Hope your hubby's tooth is okay!

  2. It is fun to look back at your blog to see what was happening. Hope your kids get everything figured out for themselves...


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