Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Making Liquid Hand Soap

We are another step towards complete self-sufficiency.  I made liquid hand soap for the first time.  It's not really a necessity, as we have the handmade goat's milk bar soap.  However, it is useful to have at all the sinks.

I grated 2 bars of goat's milk soap and melted it down in 4 cups of water, adding 2 Tbsp. of glycerine.  We decided not to add any oils for fragrance.

This will cut down on our costs for buying liquid hand soap, and is one more thing I can make myself.  

It's not only chemical free, but much better for the environment as well. 

Today is a rainy, cool fall day.  The sun is trying to slip through the clouds. 

I've managed to freeze the remaining picked peppers.  Dutch Oven Chili is simmering for dinner.

I have the afternoon to work on writing. 

I'm sure after today's rain, I'll have more in the garden soon.

Hubby and I are already planning another night away for ourselves.   It's our prescription to a blessed marriage.

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